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Ben Spencer
5 days ago7 min read
The Changing Face of the "Typical Russian Soldier"
As the war in Ukraine grinds into its third year, Russia’s manpower strategy appears to be becoming increasingly desparate.

The Red Line
Mar 125 min read
Frozen Flashpoints: Greenland, Svalbard, and the Next Arctic Standoff
As the arctic heats up, so do the geopolitical ambitions of the Arctic states, with the US, Russia and China all now moving into the area.

The Red Line
Jan 304 min read
Timor Leste's Fading Sunrise
Timor-Leste stands at a crossroads, grappling with the legacies of Indonesian occupation, economic dependence on dwindling oil reserves.

Ben Spencer
Jan 207 min read
Rubles over Reverence: The Evolution of Russian Recruitment Messaging
With Russia becoming increasingly desperate for recruits, the Kremlin is being forced to adapt its strategy and messaging.

The Red Line
Jan 131 min read
The Tactics and Timeline That Brought Down Assad - (Patreon Exclusive)
Unpacking the fall of the Assad government, and the tactics, timelines and policies that flipped an over decade old civil war.

The Red Line
Dec 26, 20246 min read
Sunk Cost: The US. Navy's Shipbuilding Crisis
With U.S. Navy shipbuilding programs plagued by delays and cost overruns, but who is to blame, and how can the US. reverse the trend?

The Red Line
Nov 29, 20247 min read
Wargaming Regional Conflicts - The Armed Forces of Central Asia
Part 2 of the Armed Forces of Central Asia Mini-Series, analysing the results of the research project's wargaming exercises.

The Red Line
Nov 17, 20241 min read
A Step-by-Step Guide for Carrying Out Coups - (Patreon Exclusive)
Outlining the narrow set of keys that seperate the successful coups, from the one that end with everyone in prison.

The Red Line
Oct 24, 20245 min read
Episode 126. Armenia's Changing Relationship with Russia
With Karabakh now under Azerbaijani control and Russia distracted, Armenia is being forced to seek security elsewhere.
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